Is Communication Killing Your Startup?

A few months ago, I tweeted: Lack of communication is deadly for SaaS companies. Internal teams will operate under assumptions when the right systems for communication aren’t set up because… Keep reading

Feature Creep Isn’t the Real Problem

When you open HubSpot’s dashboard you’re hit with a ton of stuff: Critics think HubSpot has succumbed to feature creep. But, HubSpot’s product is intentionally robust; it promises to be… Keep reading

How to Future-Proof Your Business Model

If you want to build a company that’s going to be around in 10 years, you can’t piss off your first customers. Founders have to find a balance between two… Keep reading

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5 Mental Models that Help Product Managers Acquire and Retain Users

I recently tweeted: I’m a big believer in lifelong learning. I read everything I can get my hands on, listen to audiobooks at 2x speed, and rely on products like… Keep reading

Top Customer Support Workflows of Product-Focused Companies

New SaaS products don’t get many support requests. Early on at Crazy Egg, we only got a handful each week. I was able to handle each one personally through Gmail.… Keep reading

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