The Unexpected Rebirth of Google Glass

Few products in tech have drawn as much ridicule or outright laughter as Google Glass. But that wasn’t always the case. Back in 2012, Sergey Brin showed off a prototype… Keep reading

My Nightmares With Engineering Estimates

We asked the Product community, how you do your engineering estimates today. These days, we’re either using a variation of Agile or skipping estimates entirely. And we all pad our… Keep reading

Story Points, T-shirt Sizing and Time Buckets: How Tech Companies Do Engineering Estimates

Out of my curiosity, I emailed the Product Habits subscribers and asked everyone a question about how we all do engineering estimates. I had a feeling I’d get a few… Keep reading

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Everyone Forgets Technical Research

You’ve just finished a round of research for a new product or feature and have that aha moment. Maybe you have ten of them. You’ve identified the problem to solve… Keep reading

How Grammarly Quietly Grew Its Way to 6.9 Million Daily Users in 9 Years

Since 2008, Grammarly has quietly grown one of the most successful self-funded products on the web. Co-founders Alex Shevchenko and Max Lytvyn built a wide product over the past nine… Keep reading

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